Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Dane Zajc .......... مختارات الحديقة

Words Into Rain Rain,
protect me from myself.
Let me not come to myself staggering,
with tattered skin.
With curses under my swollentongue, lies, honeyed sweetnesses.
With smiles of my head's journey, promises, falsehopes. Rain, do not. Do not let me near myself. Not the trodden one. Not the harrowed one. Not the grabbing one, rain. You are thoughtfulness. Immuring meinto the quietude of drops. Drops. Flooding pathways with water. Making crossings impassable. Grab him we talk about, hold him under water, don't let go. Crush his soul at the Škednjovec cathedral. Let him die. Let water inundate his eyes. A torrent wash his words away. Let birds and mice scatter him around. Keep him away from me with a distance of life. The cornerstone between us - death. Rain, keep me in the water. Cover me with water. Keep me from speaking. Lock me out of myself, rain.
شاعر من سلوفنيا

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